Archive for the ‘youth’ Category

A Day at the Park

June 5, 2007

I took the youth group to the park, and guess who showed up! My long lost son whom I hadn’t seen for four months! It was so good to see him again. We had lots of catching up to do. He sure is getting tall, isn’t he?

Ashley on Ice

March 5, 2007

I thought you might like to see this picture of Ashley after she got brave on the ice.

Jill on Ice

February 27, 2007

Here I am trying to coax Ashley from her safe chair onto the ice. The youth group had lots of fun, and I actually learned how to ice skate without falling once!


February 7, 2007

I took the youth group rollerskating. Kylie was with me, and Josi showed up. It was lots of fun, and I didn’t even fall down once! Here we are eating pizza.

October 18, 2006

Look like anyone you know or used to know? This scarecrow made by the kids in the youth group reminded me of Josiah because he wears Josiah’s outgrown basketball clothes.

Goings On

October 3, 2006

It was a perfect day for a bike ride on the North Bend Rail Trail. These are some of the children in the youth group.
I’ve been trying to network my three Dell computers (of varying ages). Got any ideas?

May 22, 2006

This is the big one that almost got away. We took the youth group fishing over the weekend. I think this bass is the largest fish I’ve ever caught.