Archive for the ‘abortion’ Category

Murder of the Innocent

December 6, 2006

This post is from How many of these murders never make the press? Will anyone be prosecuted?

Autopsy Confirms Florida Baby Delivered at an Abortion Clinic was Born Alive
An autopsy report concerning a baby who was born at an abortion clinic confirmed that the baby was born alive, according to Operation Rescue (OR).
It’s unclear whether that determination will affect any criminal proceedings.
An 18-year-old woman who was 22 weeks pregnant went to A Gyn Diagnostics, near Miami, for an abortion. She came back the next day complaining of severe pain and was placed in an recovery room to await the doctor’s arrival. Instead she gave birth to a baby girl. The baby was allegedly placed in a plastic bag and thrown on the roof of the clinic, where she was discovered a week later.
Troy Newman, president of OR, said the girl deserved to receive medial attention.
“Once she was born, she was deserving of the same protections under the law as the rest of us,” he said. “At the minimum, she should have been given comfort care.”

Conservatives, Speak!

November 3, 2006

This is from Citizen Link:

A Liberal Congress Could Spell Disaster for Conservative Judicial Nominees
by Pete Winn, associate editor
What’s at stake in the upcoming election? Plenty, if you want to see judges on the bench who respect the Constitution.
Conservative pundits and pro-family legal analysts say if liberals gain control of Congress on Tuesday, the fate of future conservative judicial nominees will hang in the balance.
With them, according to Bruce Hausknecht, judicial analyst of Focus on the Family Action, will hang the fates of pre-born babies, marriage and religious liberty.
“The success of the president’s judicial appointments depends on conservative control of the Senate,” he said. “If conservatives do not retain control, then ultraliberals like (Sens.) Patrick Leahy, (D-Vt.), Ted Kennedy, (D-Mass.), and Chuck Schumer, (D-N.Y.) will decide the type of judges the president can get confirmed.”
Gary Bauer, president of American Values, is equally concerned. He said we are just one Supreme Court appointment away from the possible reversal of decisions on abortion and religious freedom.
“Right now, by most estimates, we are still down on the Supreme Court, 5-4,” Bauer said on a recent Focus on the Family broadcast.
“The president did get two strong conservatives on the Court, but one of them replaced a strong conservative. So we’re one vote short. And there are a couple of liberals on the court — John Paul Stevens, 86 years old; and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who is 73, but who has been battling a number of illnesses, including cancer — that rumor says are considering stepping down.”

Bauer said if either justice steps down and the U.S. Senate is controlled by liberal Democrats, “We will lose the last chance in this generation to stop abortion on demand and to preserve marriage as one man and one woman.”
Hausknecht, meanwhile, warns that if liberals should wrest control of the Senate Judiciary Committee from conservatives, no strict-constructionist nominee will ever win confirmation.
“Right now there are 50 vacancies on the federal courts that President Bush must fill,” Hausknecht said. “This election will determine whether they can be filled by men and women who interpret the Constitution according to its original meaning, or whether they must meet the liberals’ definition of a mainstream judge — that is they must swear allegiance to abortion, rewrite the Constitution whenever they feel some ‘right’ is missing, and prohibit any reference to God in the public square. If that’s not troubling enough to get pro-family conservatives to the polls, then nothing is.”
Dr. James Dobson, chairman of Focus on the Family Action, along with his wife, National Day of Prayer Task Force Chairman Shirley Dobson, asked Christians to take time to pray for the election — then to vote on Election Day.
“To all of those values voters out there: Don’t you dare sit this one out!” Dobson told his listeners. “You have an obligation to come and participate in this great representative form of government.
“Why would you not take 15 to 20 to 30 minutes to fulfill that responsibility? And if we do, I think the results will take care of themselves.”
TAKE ACTION / FOR MORE INFORMATION:For a full discussion of what’s at stake on Nov. 7, listen to the Oct. 31 Focus on the Family broadcast with Dr. James Dobson and his guests Gary Bauer and Tom Minnery, senior vice president of government and public policy for Focus on the Family Action.
Additionally, CitizenLink has launched an Election Web site to help you track the fate of issues and candidates.
(Paid for by Focus on the Family Action)

Snowflakes Frozen Embryos

May 27, 2005

Snowflakes Frozen Embryos

If there’s any question in anyone’s mind about the future of Embyonic research, these baby faces should clear things up. Frozen embryo’s are people! – CitizenLink – FNIF News – Snowflakes Enter Stem-Cell Debate

May 27, 2005 – CitizenLink – FNIF News – Snowflakes Enter Stem-Cell Debate

Here’s an article from about the seriousness of the Stem Cell Research debate.

Embryonic Stem Cell Research

May 21, 2005

This came this morning from the Family Research Council.
Each one of these embryos is a precious little child.

Please review this information and act on it.
If you go to FRC’s website, they have a clickable link that automatically sends a letter to your representatives.

Oppose HR 810 Federal Funding of Embryo Destruction
May 20, 2005

Early next week, the House will consider a bill that will federally fund research that requires the destruction of human embryos. Sponsored by Mike Castle (R-DE), HR 810 will federally fund research on human embryos that supposedly are “leftover” from IVF. Instead of promoting the adoption of these human embryos, this bill would require their death.

President Bush is the first president to federally fund human embryonic stem cell research. He determined that such research could be funded so long as the cells had been obtained from embryos on or prior to August 9, 2001. Since then, the government has funded research on over 22 stem cell lines. However, the President’s policy does not encourage the further destruction of human embryos.

Just as abortion is currently legal, destroying human embryos is completely legal. The debate is about federal funding. Though legal, we don’t federally fund abortion. Likewise, we should not force US taxpayers to fund research that requires the destruction of embryos. However, HR 810 would overturn the Bush policy and create a direct incentive to create and kill human embryos for research with your taxes.

Contact your Representative and let them know that you strongly oppose HR 810.


Tony Perkins
President, Family Research Council