Archive for the ‘life’ Category

Life’s Mirror

September 11, 2006

Here’s a song I penned after attending the funeral of a dear friend from my government job–Jeannie Baker. Jeannie, this is for you.

Life’s Mirror

Death is like a mirror, it shows on your face

What you’ve done for others, how you’ve shown His grace.

I want my life to reflect the goodness He’s shown me,

So when others see me, they’ll see Him.

A friend of mine lay stately in a coffin made by man–

Framed by satin, scented with roses.

Her face was a reflection to those standing ‘round.

Of the deeds she’d done and the kindness shown.

Now when my life is through, what will it be–

A reflection of Jesus, or just me?

The mirror of my life will show who He is

And who I am in Him.

Scrapbook of Life

August 8, 2006

Every summer I go through all the papers and memorabilia I’ve collected all year and make a scapbook of Josiah’s unschooling year. This is always an enlightening event, not to mention time consuming. It’s nothing fancy, just a looseleaf notebook with protector sheets stuffed with pages of game talleys, trip plans, artwork, letters and cards written and received, songs and poems penned, and other scrapbook novelties like ski-lift tags, subway tickets, and baseball cards.

I also try to keep lists of books and videos we borrow and rent so I can keep track of what all he’s imbibed mentally. I’m sure it’s nowhere near exhaustive. He comes across stuff I’m not even aware of.

I also try to list all the new skills he’s learned, equipment he’s learned how to operate, games he’s played, events he’s participated in, groups he’s been a part of, places he’s performed, and lessons he’s taken. Whew!

He’s a busy boy. There’s not much to show paper-wise—he rarely picks up a pencil. But he sure does cram his brain (and his laptop) with data.

I pray the Lord will guide him in the paths he should go and will help me to facilitate his walking those paths.

Simple Life

July 28, 2006

I’ve decided it is definitely time to simplify my life. At my age (undisclosed), if I haven’t used it in 10 years, I probably will never use it again. Therefore, I am downsizing my cabinet supplies to make things easier to find, clean, store, and use. It is simply not necessary to keep 3 cans of half-used bathroom spray when I haven’t used it in 10 years (or more). I do, however, have an extra cabinet in the garage where I may store things I rarely use just in case I decide later that I do need them. After all, we live 30 minutes from the nearest town, and sometimes needs arise.

All my life, I have hoarded things, not willing to give them up if they still have a useful life. Now, however, I find the desire to hoard abating. In its place is a desire to live simply, peacefully, on less, doing less, having less, saving less—a restful feeling. I hope it stays.