Archive for the ‘babies’ Category

Natalie Faith

May 10, 2007

I was presented with the best gift a mother can receive on Mother’s Day–a new grandbaby!
Natalie Faith was born on Friday, May 11, weighed 7 lbs., 14 oz., and was welcomed home by her little brother and sister, Luke and Kylie. Mom and Dad are doing fine, too.

Pink, fluffy, ruffly things

March 29, 2007

Here’s the pickings of our recent baby-goods shopping trip.

Package Tracking

February 27, 2007

This is to inform you that the little package Amber has been carrying every day on her postal route is discovered to be—a girl! There will be much shopping for all pink, ruffly, lacey, and fluffy things. And maybe more packages containing those items will have to be carried.

Medical errors

October 5, 2006

Here’s an article from

Hospital Errors Fatal to Indiana Babies

Six premature babies at Indiana’s Methodist Hospital received an accidental overdose of the anti-clotting drug heparin. Three have already died.
Premature newborns are often given heparin so that they can be given fluids intravenously.
But each of the six infants was given an adult dose, roughly 1,000 times greater than the amount that should be used on infants.
Clarian Health Partners, which runs Methodist Hospital, is planning to start requiring that all drugs be double and triple checked before they are administered. The hospital has offered to pay for funeral expenses, counseling, and restitution to all six families affected. Some of the families involved are planning legal action.
USA Today September 20, 2006

Dr. Mercola’s Comment:
I suspect you won’t question why the United States leads the world in medical errors any more after reading this tragic story about these needless deaths.
Medical errors like these are a classic example of why the conventional medical paradigm is fatally flawed. You know the system needs changing when the majority of health care workers observe mistakes made by their peers but rarely do anything to challenge them.
Death rates actually decrease when doctors go on strike, and deaths blamed on mistakes made with prescription drugs sold at pharmacies spike at the beginning of each month.
Meanwhile, clever manipulation of the official government death rates conceals the fact that the conventional medical system, not heart disease or cancer, is the leading cause of death in this country.
The United States is spending literally trillions of dollars every year for a system that obsesses with reducing symptoms while failing to address the underlying cause of disease. Unsurprisingly, our return on this investment is profoundly poor. The bottom line is that the system is crumbling before your eyes.

Baby Stuff

September 30, 2006

I think I’m the first one to go shopping for Amber’s expected “blessed event.” I couldn’t resist the fluffy lamb and the cotton knit blankets.

Ronni with Nathan Alexander

September 30, 2006

Here’s the wee one on Virgil’s side of the family–Veronica’s son Nathan Alexander.

Baby News

September 29, 2006

I’m having trouble posting pictures, but I have to post this news.

I’m going to be a grandma again! Amber will have her third in the spring, so Kylie and Luke will have a wee one to play with.

Also, my niece Ronni, had a little boy Nathan Alexander three weeks ago. I will post a picture of him soon.

Kay w/grandbaby

July 22, 2006

Here’s one of the youngsters who attends our church occasionally, with her grandmother Kay, who attends regularly. Isn’t she just a doll-baby?

May 22, 2006

Here’s the big sisters Haylie and Sarah with their respective little brother and sister Brandon and Rachel (little brother’s boy clothes were in the wash). Aren’t they look-a-like’s?

Easter Photo

April 19, 2006
I just have to post this Easter portrait of myself with my little nieces–Sarah and Rachel.