Archive for the ‘Josiah’ Category

Josiah’s New Job

May 22, 2009

Josiah started his new job as a concrete finisher with a pool and spa installation company. It’s hard work, but pays fairly well. When your proud mom writes your resume, you don’t have much choice–you get a job.


Work Experience:

Construction – Assistant Manager, Leggett and Son’s Construction
2004 – present
Breaking up old concrete, hauling it away, hauling and spreading gravel, building forms, preparing ground for new concrete, pouring and finishing new concrete, laying cement blocks, repairing stone walls, installing septic systems, digging ponds, clearing trees, laying foundations, erecting wooden structures, building fence, repairing and maintaining equipment, operating power tools, heavy equipment, and other machinery.

Farming – Assistant Manager, Leggett farm
2000 – present
Maintain, operate, purchase, and sell farm equipment including tractors, lawnmowers, four wheeler, chain saws, weed eaters, power saws, compressors and air tools, arc welder, acetylene welder, skidsteer, backhoe, bulldozer, dump truck, tillers, and trucks. Build fence, outbuildings, and ponds, run electric wiring and plumbing, maintain grounds, budget, schedule, care for various farm animals, garden, landscape, paint, hunt, photograph, and keep records, typing, computer, filing.

Music – Assistant Manager, Vocalist, Musician, Stage Manager, Productions Manager
Middle of Nowhere top 40 country band
2008 – present
Scheduling, planning, promoting, recruiting, purchasing, budgeting, performing, record-keeping, and recording concerts; creating and duplicating flyers and CD’s; maintaining, setting up, packing, and transporting sound equipment; playing and maintaining guitar, mandolin, banjo, piano, organ, drums, bass guitar; web site design and maintenance; songwriting.

Lead and Backup Vocalist and Musician
Good Time Country
2008 Same as above.

Assistant Manager, Vocalist, Musician, Stage Manager
Leggett Family Bluegrass Gospel
1998 – 2007 Same as above, including leading church worship.

Tenor, Eternity Quartet
Performing tenor accompaniment with men’s gospel quartet.

Sewing – Assistant, Leggett Needleworks, 2006
Construction of home fashions using sewing machine, upholstery machine, and serger.

Education: Parkersburg Christian School 1995 – 2002
Music Award – 2002
Drama, Music, Composition, Basketball

Wel-Life Ministries Home School 2002 – present
Interest-led unit studies and skill-building assistance

Flight school, 2004, Bob Gibbs, Instructor, Ravenswood Airport
24 hours logged
King’s video course completed

Open Office computer software course, 2005, Adult Basic Education

Mandolin and Banjo lessons, 2000 – 2006, Ron Seebaugh, Instructor

Hobbies: Soccer, Wrestling, Basketball, Biking, Camping, Fishing, Hiking, Playing and Recording Music, Videography, Computer games and messaging.

January 18, 2009

Josiah got a new Yamaha for his birthday. Check out his tunes at myspace (Jillsfrills link at right)

Kids at Thanksgiving 08

December 14, 2008

Josiah will soon be 16.

December 14, 2008

Here are my darling offspring – Amber and Josiah – at Thanksgiving.


July 9, 2008

Josiah kayaks the Newark rapids of the Hughes River.

Me Bad Blogger

March 9, 2008

So sorry to have neglected posting for such a long time. My life is very busy right now with four part-time jobs (60 hours per week).

Josiah moved back home with me after Christmas. We enjoy playing music and chess.

Amber and her “crew” are staying with me temporarily. She’s relocating here.

So, with 5 extra people in the house, it’s wild around here.

One of my missing camera’s reappeared mysteriously. I’m glad, but curious as to where it had been. It’s an old Nikon SLR, so no good for blogging.

They caught the guy who had been robbing people in the neighborhood, but it’s unlikely I’ll get anything else back.

I’ll check in later when I get some good pictures to show off.

September Adventures

October 7, 2007

I know I’ve been seriously neglecting my blogging duties lately. I was very busy starting up the afterschool program. Also, I was robbed a couple of times (including my cameras). I hope to keep updated from now on. This is a picture of Josiah and his girlfriend in the homecoming parade. Chelsea is the Freshman Princess and Josiah is her escort.

August 24, 2007

Here’s the spinning wheel my cousin Jan brought me from Oklahoma. She also brought me the basket full of wool to spin. I’m so excited to be actually spinning on my own wheel! Guess who decided he just had to try it, too?

I’ve Been Tagged

July 10, 2007

I’ve been tagged for a meme (whatever that it is) by Jan at The Work of Her Hands. Here goes:

4 Jobs I have had in my life:

I worked at Public Debt right out of high school. Then I got on at DuPont, but I quit to
stay home with my first child. I volunteered at the Christian School for 15 years for free tuition, with a break when my second child was born. When my husband lost his
job, I went back to work. I now work as a Youth Activities Director and Afterschool
Director at a local church. I just got on at the Post Office a few months ago.

4 Films I can watch again and again:

Anne of Green Gables series
Back to the Future Trilogy
Mary Poppins
Sound of Music

4 Places I have lived:

I was brought home to a little beginner home in Vienna, WV
I spent the rest of my childhood in a home my dad built on a farm in Murraysville, WV
My husband owned a home in Davisville, WV, when I met him.
We moved to a farm in Cutler, OH, to raise our kids in the country.

4 TV Series I watch:

Little People, Big World (I like that show, too, Jan. They do so many interesting things.)
Old Comedy reruns like Andy Griffith, Green Acres, I Love Lucy, Beverly Hillbillies
Monk (He’s my favorite detective)
Sherlock Holmes (He’s my second favorite detective)

4 places I have been on Holiday:

Niagra Falls (3 times including my honeymoon)
Florida (2 times, once in a moving van, the trip was paid for by the mover)
Texas (again in a moving van, our daughter’s furniture)
Libraries and Cemeteries (my favorite off-line places for genealogy research)

4 Things I Do everytime I get on the net:

Check regular email
Check Bloglines
Read the news online, including obituaries
Check my bank balance on weekdays, update websites on weekends

4 things I would not eat for anything in the world

Bugs of any kind
Pets (We went to a friend’s house one time and they cooked her pet rabbit for dinner. Waaaah!)
Road Kill (even though some of it looks really fresh)
Leftovers found in my grandson’s car seat (He stores food there for convenience later)

4 places I would love to be right now:

Jan said, “Talking and visiting with Grandma.” (Did that Thursday)
Jan said, “Sitting on my mom’s porch in the early morning, chatting and drinking
coffee, enjoying the peace that I feel when I’m there.” ( Me too, except I would be
eating watermelon. )
Jan said, “Sitting beside Jody and comparing the verses Grandma had underlined in
my Bible with the verses she had underlined in Jody’s Bible.” (I love to spend time
with my brother, Eric, working on computers or playing music. )
Jan said, “Singing with Steven, amazed at how beautiful his voice is.” (I love to sing
and play music with my kids and grandkids.)

4 people to tag
Eva at No Name Creek
Josiah at Josiah’s Loud Life
(The only two other people I know who blog)

If you’ve been tagged, answer the questions on your blog and tag four more people.


February 7, 2007

I took the youth group rollerskating. Kylie was with me, and Josi showed up. It was lots of fun, and I didn’t even fall down once! Here we are eating pizza.