Archive for October, 2006

Healthier Air Purifier

October 15, 2006

Here’s a link to an article about healthier air purifiers.

Town of Allopath video

October 15, 2006

Check out this video about allopathy and its fallacy.

October 5, 2006

Here’s a song I wrote for Josiah:

The Boy in You

Though you’re growing up, changing into a man,

New manly ways you’re learning, like how to win her hand,

I’ll never stop believing in the boy I rocked to sleep.

Your lock of hair, the toothless grin, they’re all mine to keep.

Reminders of your childhood spark my reverie,

Memories of you playing, tousled and carefree

Marbles, balls, and skateboards, bikes and model cars,

Help me to remember, you’re a child at heart.

God sees the child in you, the babe I held as mine.

Though life’s trials harden you, Grace will smooth the lines.

Don’t ever grow too far away from God on bended knee

That you can’t hear your mother say, “You’re God’s child, I can see.”

Medical errors

October 5, 2006

Here’s an article from

Hospital Errors Fatal to Indiana Babies

Six premature babies at Indiana’s Methodist Hospital received an accidental overdose of the anti-clotting drug heparin. Three have already died.
Premature newborns are often given heparin so that they can be given fluids intravenously.
But each of the six infants was given an adult dose, roughly 1,000 times greater than the amount that should be used on infants.
Clarian Health Partners, which runs Methodist Hospital, is planning to start requiring that all drugs be double and triple checked before they are administered. The hospital has offered to pay for funeral expenses, counseling, and restitution to all six families affected. Some of the families involved are planning legal action.
USA Today September 20, 2006

Dr. Mercola’s Comment:
I suspect you won’t question why the United States leads the world in medical errors any more after reading this tragic story about these needless deaths.
Medical errors like these are a classic example of why the conventional medical paradigm is fatally flawed. You know the system needs changing when the majority of health care workers observe mistakes made by their peers but rarely do anything to challenge them.
Death rates actually decrease when doctors go on strike, and deaths blamed on mistakes made with prescription drugs sold at pharmacies spike at the beginning of each month.
Meanwhile, clever manipulation of the official government death rates conceals the fact that the conventional medical system, not heart disease or cancer, is the leading cause of death in this country.
The United States is spending literally trillions of dollars every year for a system that obsesses with reducing symptoms while failing to address the underlying cause of disease. Unsurprisingly, our return on this investment is profoundly poor. The bottom line is that the system is crumbling before your eyes.

Truth in Media

October 4, 2006

This is from Dr. Mercola at

Fox Fires Reporters for Telling the Truth About Milk

In 1997, a pair of reporters prepared a report for a Fox TV affiliate in Florida about the dangers of bovine growth hormone (BGH) in milk. Lawyers for Monsanto, a major advertiser with the network, sent letters promising “dire consequences” if the story aired.
After attempts by Fox to bribe the reporters to keep quiet failed, the station agreed to air a revised version of the report. An unheard of 83 edits later (including Monsanto insisting that the word “cancer” be replaced with the phrase “human health implications”), the report was shelved and the courts took over.
Although a lower court ruled in favor of the reporters for some $425,000, a Florida appeals court denied them whistleblower protection, claiming Fox, and the media in general, have no obligation to tell the truth, in effect, having the freedom to report what is fact and fiction as real news. August 22, 2006

Dr. Mercola’s Comment:
This is another dramatic example of how powerfully some corporations control the media. You have heard me rant and rave about the drug companies, but they are the fairy godmother compared to Monsanto.
I simply don’t know of any organization on the planet with more sinister plans to destroy the health of your future. They are the central force behind genetically modified foods and have conspired to literally own all future food by unconstitutionally patenting every seed they can get their hands on.
I posted a report two years ago that Monsanto was slowing down sales of its bovine growth hormone (BGH), Posilac, which is put in much of the commercial milk sold in the United States.
That seems to have been a temporary measure for publicity, as Monsanto recently announced plans to start producing the product themselves at a plant in Augusta, GA, instead of licensing another company to do it, and they currently sell more than 33 million doses a year.
There could be no stronger proof than this story that the corporations do not care about your health, but only their profits, and that their paid stooges in the media, the sciences, and the government are only too happy to say whatever they are being given money to say. In the instances where people try to take a stand, like the reporters in this case, they are silenced by their bosses.
There’s a reason that the FDA, largely financed by their corporate “partners” these days, declared BGH safe for humans after only a brief study on a few rats. The Canadian equivalent of the FDA came to vastly different conclusions about BGH.
These factors, more than anything else, are the reason the reports you hear about what is healthy and what is not are fatally skewed.
On the brighter side, however, there’s been a strong push away from hormone-infested milk and toward raw milk. I do not recommend drinking pasteurized milk, however, even if it doesn’t contain hormones, because pasteurization destroys enzymes, diminishes vitamin content, denatures fragile milk proteins, destroys vitamin B12, and vitamin B6, kills beneficial bacteria, promotes pathogens and is associated with allergies, increased tooth decay, colic in infants, growth problems in children, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease and cancer.
Raw milk, on the other hand, is one of the finest natural sources of calcium available. To find a raw milk source near you, visit the Real Milk Web site.
By the way, the video in the story above is from The Corporation. If you want to have a great video for your library I would recommend picking up a copy. I bought mine on Amazon.
Related Articles:
BGH: Monsanto and the Dairy Industry’s Dirty Little Secret
Monsanto Pushes Hormones on School Kids in Their Milk
World’s Largest Media Source Controlled by World’s Largest Drug Compan

Spinach question

October 4, 2006

Here’s the Hallelujah Acres response to the Spinach question:

THE E. COLI – SPINACH SCARE When news first broke that bagged spinach had been withdrawn from supermarket shelves across America following an E.coli outbreak that had killed 1 person and sickened 150 others, Rhonda and I had just purchased, that very day, a 1-pound container of Earthbound Farms organic SPINACH. After hearing the warning, that evening for supper we took a huge handful of that spinach we had just purchased, and had been warned not to eat, out of it’s container, added to the other vegetables making up our salad that evening, and ate it – and we did it without any fear of potential harm. You may ask: Why would you not be scared to death to eat it? My answer: Because both Rhonda and I are on The Hallelujah Diet and supplement with probiotics (friendly bacteria). Though The Hallelujah Diet will not make a person immune to all germs, viruses and bacteria, the diet will, in most instances, protect a person from most of them, and if the body does react, it will be a mild reaction. Let’s consider the subject of E.coli, an unfriendly bacterium, for a moment: Every year in America, according to the CDC (Center of Disease Control), E.coli causes some 61 deaths, and sickens an estimated 73,000. And according to the CDC, the CAUSE of these outbreaks is contamination coming from ANIMAL sources! So wouldn’t it be reasonable to ask: Why does 1 death caused by eating contaminated spinach from 1 field in California result in ALL spinach being removed from restaurant menus and store shelves, and yet when an E.coli outbreak occurs from contaminated animal product, there is no such general recall? Friends, whether we realize it or not, there is a war being waged against those of us who want to eat healthy. Some groups are already trying to use this E.coli/spinach issue to discredit organic farming practices and organic food. If you remember, it was only a few years ago that as a result of just 10 people being infected with E.coli from unpasteurized (raw) bottled juice, the sale of unpasteurized juices came to an almost screeching halt. The next thing to look for in the war against those of us who want to eat healthy, will be an effort to irradiate all fresh produce in order to kill potential contaminating bacteria, not so much for the purpose of protecting the consumer, but rather for the purpose of extending shelf life, resulting in increased profit. Friends, the Genesis 1:29 diet that God gave His human creation there in the Garden of Eden, was a 100% raw diet! Our bodies thrive on raw food, and slowly breaks down and dies on a diet of cooked, pasteurized, and irradiated foods. Finally, let me explain a little bit of the reason why Rhonda and this editor had no concerns regarding the eating of that organically grown spinach the day the warning of E.coli in spinach was issued. God designed our bodies to contain a ratio of about 85% friendly to 15% unfriendly bacteria in our body. When we eat a basically raw diet and supplement with a good probiotic to keep our immune system strong and our friendly bacteria in proper proportions, the friendly bacteria will overwhelm the bad bacteria, such as E.coli, and thus the bad E.coli bacteria will be unable to multiply and harm us. ___________________________________________________________

Goings On

October 3, 2006

It was a perfect day for a bike ride on the North Bend Rail Trail. These are some of the children in the youth group.
I’ve been trying to network my three Dell computers (of varying ages). Got any ideas?